
Thanks to the enchanting geographical position (on top of a 473 metres hill, among the valleys of Clitunno, Topino and Tevere), Montefalco has been defined "the Umbrian railing". A landmark for hilly landscapes, trekking, biking and outdoor life lovers.
Its name used to be Coccorone during the Middle Ages: according to the legend the toponym derived from its presumed founder, the senator Marco Curione; on the contrary, modern historians think it derived from the Ancient Greek "oros", mount.
Suddenly, between the end of 1249 and 1250, this charming place got the name of Montefalco, probably from one of the hawks (falco, in Italian) of the emperor Frederik Barbarossa, that stayed in Coccorone from the 9th to the 13th of February 1240.
Montefalco is famous for the astonishing frescoes of its churches: this lovely village is indeed one of the essential points of interest for a basic knowledge of the traditional Umbrian painting.
Montefalco is been inhabited from the very ancient times: probable rural 'pago' (one of the rural districts of the Ancient Rome), Montefalco got filled up with patrician Roman villas, of which it remained a vivid memory into the toponymsof: Assegnano, Camiano, Colverano, Rignano, Satriano, Vecciano.
This glorious past is testified by the numerous epigraph and sculptural remains that you will easily find into Museo Comunale, Chiostro di San Fortunato, and so on.
The Medieval buildings overlooking the central square definitely worth a visit, there is also an old part of the village, where time is lost and there are touchable signs of an ancient life: the "voices" of old trades, arts, you will perceive the deep breath of the past mingling the present. Among the rosy ashlar walls, along the tiny alleys outstretched to look the great light over the valley and some vines of Sagrantino you will find the peace you were looking for in your ideal Italian vacation. By the way, Sagrantino (the local dainty red wine) is a must!
If you are planning your trip on August, you shouldn't miss the “Fuga del Bove” on 19th of the month: bloodless evoking of a popular bloody game that used to involve a bull. There is an historical parade in which relive the spectacularity of the Renaissance age, its lights and shadows, the fervour, the ferment of the city of Montefalco that, in those times, was at the height of its artistic, cultural and social splendour.
Montefalco is easy to reach by bus (about 30 mins from Foligno). It is comfortably connected to get to Perugia, Spoleto, Bevagna, Spello, Assisi, Todi, Gubbio and Terni.
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