
Located in the central-eastern Umbria, between Foligno and Spoleto, Trevi rises on the slopes of Monte Serano, perched on a hill rich in olive trees facing the plains of Spoleto. Churches, towers and noble palaces draw the profile of this lovely village that offers a breathtaking view on the Via Flaminia. For the noteworthy environmental, cultural and artistic heritage Trevi is part of the club "I Borghi più Belli d’Italia" (The Most Beautiful Villages of Italy).
Founded by the Romans, it was an important center along the Via Flaminia. When the Roman Empire collapsed Trevi, already Christian through the work of the Bishop Emiliano, was occupied by the Lombards and included in the Duchy of Spoleto. During the Middle Ages, the town passed under the rule of Foligno and Spoleto. Political and military instability continued until the sixteenth century when, after various dominations (Trinci, Michelotti, Sforza), Trevi became part of the Papal State under whose rule, except for the Napoleonic period, it remained until 1860.
Surrounded by olive trees, Trevi preserves Roman findings, like the mighty walls (1st century BC) surrounding the town, and medieval witnesses like Porta del Bruscito, Porta del Cieco, Porta San Fabiano and the Arch of Mostaccio. From the walls fencing the old town you will stand directly over the olive groves: the walk is a magnificent tree-lined, 800 metres long, flat road with a striking view of the valley below.
Among the most interesting religious buildings, we must mention the Church of St Emiliano (12th century) with the altar of the Sacrament of Rocco da Vicenza (1522) and frescoes attributed to Francesco Melanzio. In addition to the Gothic church of St Francesco in 1200, to visit, in the fifteenth-century Palazzo Comunale, the Art Gallery (pinacoteca), with a Madonna by Pinturicchio and a Coronation of Maria, by Spagna.
The church and the Art Gallery, along with the Museum and the Archaeological Collection form the art collection of St Francis, set up in 1996 in a part of the ex Convent of St Francis, which also includes the Museum of the Olive Tree, created to enhance the age-old local tradition, is the first ever public museum in Italy and in Europe dedicated to oil and olive tree.
Interesting buildings richly decorated as the Ethiopian Pontifical College (XVI century) with frescoes by Federico Zuccari, but also Casa Petrucci (16th century), Palazzo Valenti (16th century), Palace of Prepositura Valenti (half of 17th century), and the Renaissance palace Lucarini, seat of the Trevi Flash Art Museum, which houses exhibitions of contemporary art.
In the surrounding area, have a look at the church of Madonna delle Lacrime, built in 1487 to commemorate the miraculous event, which preserves a fresco by Perugino. In the village of Bovara is the oldest olive tree in Umbria, the cutting of St Emiliano, 9 meters high and dates 1700 years, where in 304, according to the tradition, it was bound and killed the patron saint of the city.
Clitunno the river is very interesting in terms of naturalistic and environmental richness. It flows in the southern Umbrian valley, asl called "spoletina", which extraordinary for landscape, the freshness and pureness of its waters.
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