Infiorata Valle della Lucania

A festival of artistry that "carpets" the streets of town with intricate designs, all created from flower petals and leaves. The Infiorata literally means "to be flowered" and that's what they do - shower the streets with flowers! But the designs are amazing, recreating famous artwork or new inspiring artwork all from plant-based materials. The contestants must adhere to the annual theme and then are judged at the end. Meanwhile, spectators get to walk among them and admire the scope of the design and materials and work that go into them.
The Infiorata is held at the end of June into the beginning of July, but check for exact dates each year. Vallo della Lucania is in the Cilento National Park, inland from Ascea and Velia, and about a half-hour from Agropoli.
Address in Cilento National Park:
Vallo della Lucania.
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