Transport strikes in Italy

And so there is a transport strike in Italy... most Italians would comment: "Where is the news?".  Strikes have nowadays become part of our culture and way of life.  Not that Italians are happy with strikes but, as with most other things "ci arrangiamo" (we do the best we can).

For you, as a traveler to Italy, it might be important to be aware of any transportation limitations that might affect your trip.  We will post to this web page any strike information that we have.  Bookmark this page and visit it often... if you are getting ready for Italy you must learn how "arrangiarti"!

Note:  the fact that a number of workers are on strike does not mean that you are necessarily grounded. Call the reservation office where you bought the tickets to obtain detailed information. Often only workers from a specific labor union within a company will go on strike, and thus you might not be affected at all. Crazy Italians, huh?

No news is good news! At the moment we are not aware of any upcoming transportation strike.