One of the most interesting wine tasting sessions you can have in Le Marche is at the regional wine cellar in Jesi. Located in Palazzo Balleani in the heart of the historic center of town, the enoteca highlights the wines of the regions in a beautiful, historic setting. The palace, with its elegant facade and vaulted ceilings, was built in the 1600s and 1700s. Here, in the old wine cellars of the palazzo, you can learn about sample the vintages from this part of the region, which are unique to Le Marche, some rooted in antiquity.

The area wines presented are:

Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi, Verdicchio di Matelica, Rosso Conero, Bianchello del Metauro, Colli Maceratesi, and Lacrima di Moro d'Alba.

Information on the wines, vintners and the chance to buy bottles along with local products make it a nice stop while in Jesi.

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Address in Jesi:

Via Federico Conti, 5, .

Ph. (+39) 073 121 3386.

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